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We find and recover

money for your business.

Risk free - As advocates for your business, we fearlessly attack those errors, overcharges, underpayments, and inefficiencies head-on.

Our attention to detail and discipline is unsurpassed

Trusted by over 5000+ clients.

boco solution

The BoCo
Signature Solution

With our comprehensive approach to audit, optimization, and advocacy, we have successfully saved companies up to an incredible $330 million.

Through meticulous audits, we leave no stone unturned in identifying errors, overcharges, underpayments, and inefficiencies that may be draining your financial resources. Our optimization strategies are tailored to your specific needs, streamlining processes, eliminating wasteful practices, and maximizing cost-effectiveness. By attacking these financial obstacles head-on, we empower your company to achieve unprecedented savings.

Discover How We Saved a Company an Astounding $330 Million!


95% of businesses routinely overpay
on their operational utility expenditures.

81% of businesses that use

laundry and linen services overpay by 27%.

100% of medical providers are being underpaid by insurance companies.

We are dedicated to uncovering every opportunity

for savings within your organization.


1.Medical Underpayments
2.Free Pharmacy
3.Medical Insurance Plans

Commercial Payments

1.Automated Invoice Intake

2.Streamlined Payments

3.Revenue Generator

Parcel & TLT shipping

1.Multi-carrier, Multi-modal
2.API-driven Optimization
3.Pricing Power

Patrick Boland


2.Credit Card Merchant Fees

3.Uniform & Linens


5.Worker’s Comp Insurance

Earned Wage Access

1.Recruiting & Retention
2.Incentive Extra Hours
3.No Employer Costs

Financial Recovery Strategies

1.Commercial Class Actions
2.Unclaimed Property
3.Max Benefit, No Investment

Experts in 50+ expense categories; 
over $100M in annual savings 

Unsurpassed Expertise

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Savings Unleashed – Uncover the Hidden Profits

Embodied by the Fighter Pilot Spirit

Imagine this scene: it's 2013, and captured in a single photograph is the essence of who I am. Standing proudly with my wife and three daughters, we gaze upon the majestic A-10 Warthog, adorned with its legendary flying tiger paint scheme. For two decades, my life revolved around the A-10 as I soared through the skies, beginning and ending my Air Force career with this remarkable aircraft. This particular day marked my fini-flight, the final journey before a new chapter unfolded. As the flight concluded, a jubilant crowd of family, friends, and teammates awaited me at the aircraft's side. A ceremonious ritual ensued—water and champagne cascaded over me, hugs and handshakes were exchanged, and congratulations filled the air.


Utility Audit

Ford Field, home of the Detroit Lions

Annual savings of $120,000 on Electric

Annual savings of $10,000 on Gas

Lower cost per kilowatt hour

“The audit team was thorough, easy to work with, tenacious yet professional with the utility, and followed my lead from start to finish. I would definitely recommend their services…”

- Fred R. Reddig, Director of Facilities

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